In my entry, you will find a mindful list of "Faith, Love, Wisdom, Joy" above the front table*. They are earthy brown, like water and dust; mindful thoughts meant to draw our focus inward, outward, upward.
While recuperating from surgery one year, my dear Mom came to care for me, M, and the kids. A souvenir of that visit lingers in the heart of our home in her beautiful script. I chose the words and translations, and as we sipped tea and chatted she wrote.
"Benvenuto" as you pass from the kitchen to the family room - Welcome to all in our home.
"Benedire qui Abondanza" above our pantry - Bless this Abundance, to express our gratitude for His provision.
"Dios Consolare a Forza" above my kitchen sink - God's Comfort and Strength, for times of prayer and reflection as I wash and rinse and clean and pray.
And "Inspiracion" above the door from our kitchen to the garage - Inspiration, to remind us what we are to be as we go out into the world, God's breath.
When we first moved here to NC, my sons shared the expansive bonus room and I had great fun decorating it in a seafaring theme, thrilled to own a home again and make it our's. Along the wall next to each of the boys' beds I stenciled scriptures in deep blues, and prayed that they would wash over their hearts and minds:
Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand?
And who is the Rock except our God?
The Lord thunders over the mighty waves.
My Mom sent me an apron a few years ago. I love aprons too. It is pink and brown and blue and has a beautiful chocolate cake on it. Heavenly, and Yep... it's got your name on it! and Never Fear... Cake is Here! decorate it in happy celebration. It was my number one apron until this past year when it got a sister, my current favorite.
A golden yellow with very French coloring and adornment and a lady with a large letter Q on her crown graces the front with a gentle smile. I laughed out loud in delight when I first read it. It reads, She rules her world with the heart of a lion and the patience of a Saint. I have now appointed my Mom my official apron purchaser, but she'll be hard pressed to outdo herself after this one.
I have plans for other words. In our downstairs' bathroom I have long envisioned these from the proverbs for consideration as we spend a moment seeing ourselves in the mirror, "As water reflects the face, so man's heart reflects the man."
My own bathroom is the color of dried roses. In golden letters I envision painting, "The fragrance of the rose always lingers in the hand of the giver."
We have a wide, white border that runs around our dining room, and when I have the courage I intend to take on this, a version of Psalm 128,
"How blessed is one who fears the Lord and walks in His ways! You will eat the fruit of the labor of your hands and happy you will be. Your wife will be a fruitful vine, and Oh! Look at your children, like olive shoots around your table! Behold! Thus are we blessed, reverently and worshipfully fearing the Lord."
When the time and energy come together.... maybe one or two will be this year's Summer project....
What about you? What words do you desire to set before other's eyes?