Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Field

Earlier this evening a dear friend prayed for me and I knelt beneath the comfort and assurance of our place before the throne.  I love being there; what an honor it is to lift one another up to the Lord with our thanks-giving and requests.  Within her words of grace, I was made mindful of the fact as she so sweetly put it, "We do not reap in the season we sow."   I am in a challenging season of field work at present, and it is taking all my energies of time and resources to press devotedly into the task before me.

The photo for this post is taken from the wallpaper currently on my computer.  The scripture is John 16:33.

I have told you these things,
So that in Me you may have peace.
In this world you will have trouble
But take heart!
He tells me....

I looked intently at the field in this picture tonight.  Light and shadows played against one another, the blades of grain separated into individual stalks with pale golden heads and green blades bent delicately, dark ruts and grey pebbles in the nearby road sharpened into focus.  I am here; I am sowing and sweating, and in due time and season the harvest will be reaped.

I have put off setting aside my blog.  It has been such a personal joy, and sometimes its just plain hard to let go of something we love and find fulfilling.  But the field in which I am currently called to work requires my full attention and holds a higher place of priority and so I have peace.  Not just any peace, but His peace.

Thank you for reading.  This has truly blessed me.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Wedded Bliss

Pardon me my sentimental beginning and brevity.  

Twenty-seven years ago, I married my best friend.  Less than a year later we welcomed our first child.  Last month we saw him wed to one who I am honored to now call daughter.  I am richly blessed.

“He is the half part of a blessed man,
Left to be finished by such as she;
And she a fair divided excellence,
Whose fullness of perfection lies in him. ”

*Taken from the card that my sister Lana gave to me on my wedding day.  
God bless you, Quentin and Meow.
