Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wool Soap

In my quest for simplicity, I've found one of the basic tenets is 'let nothing be wasted.'  This aim lends itself to a more thoughtful approach and wise use of not only our worldly goods, but our experiences as well, most especially the difficult ones.  In fact, the hardest times often leave the deepest impact upon us, wouldn't you agree?  (If not, you're simply not old enough yet.) ;-)

Although my thoughts are of a philosophical turn today, my intention when I signed on was only to share input on how I've enjoyed my birthday present from last year, so we'll stay with that today.  I love birthdays for the opportunity they are to celebrate life thus far and look forward to the year to come.  This has got to be among those things that define one as an optimist.  A birthday is a day of JOY.

Most years I have five regular requests in my heart for my special day: no fighting or bickering; I hear from each of my children in some form or fashion, wherever they are; I have no cooking to do for the day; if the weather is nice I love to go for a family walk; and although I don't look for much in the way of gifts, I do like to get some one special something.  My summarization of my birthday ideals are reflective of my goals for simplicity: what began as as list of three grew to five.  Ah well, I was being thorough.

Last year, this was my little gift to myself.  It's soap wrapped in wool.  Leonardo da Vinci said, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."  It was so pretty, so elegant, not quite perfect in shape but special; rather like how the earth looks from space.  I just kept it next to my tub to look at for months, afraid that it would dissolve away once I began using it.  Eventually, I took it out of its package and gave it the initial soaking as described.  I love it.  It has plenty of sudsy lather and a soft scent.  The texture is gently exfoliating, not too soft and not at all rough.

I found an online youtube source providing instructions on making your own via Crunchy Parent.  Although I have a feeling that this little beauty will last me a good long time (I only use it for my evening baths,) I might have to try making our own wool soaps with my girls this summer.  Practical and pleasing, two of my favorite things.

Shared at Works for Me Wednesday and Simple Lives Thursday

