Well, just leave it to my wandering heart to go salivating after the deceptive fleeting pursuit of finding satisfaction in things as soon as I get to feeling really content. Do you ever struggle with wanting material goods or experiences or "fill in the blank" that you cannot have? And getting things doesn't slay this Dragon! I just had a new faucet installed in my kitchen today, and the new water fixtures in the kids bathroom that I purchased last summer were put in today as well. And the thing is, I'm reading numerous articles and books (not to mention His WORD) that have to do with what really is of value. No matter. My desires and lusts for other baubles in life isn't contingent upon the fact that I already have enough. It's born of a carnality that is bottomless and deep. *"but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
When I was younger and poorer, in our early days of marriage, I read somewhere (probably the ponderous and sage wisdom found between the pages of Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal, or Woman's Day) that if I just put down on paper those things that I was struggling with feelings of covetousness for - and then came back to that list two or three days later - those yearnings would probably be gone. I didn't believe it, but I put this bit of instruction to the test. Oh wicked woman that I am - I always still wanted "IT"!
The passage of time has lessened this struggle, but I can't help but wonder if that has something to do with the fact that I have so much more now. Would I be so content today if I had acquired no more in the passing years than I had 25 years ago? There's really no way of knowing, but oh how I hope so.
As I drove along today, that old bit of homespun advise popped into my head. I thought, what the heck? Go ahead and put down the things you hanker after but are too frugal or poor to purchase. Not with the expectation that this will kill the hunger within me for them, but to expose them as the empty box of pretties that they are.
First on the list is this cutie. I saw somebody with this adorable little trinket on the freeway yesterday.
*James 1:14
But for the grace of God...
ReplyDeleteYes, in looking up what the appx. $225 this would cost I found it was equivalent to a month's hazardous duty pay for one of our soldiers who is in a combat zone.
ReplyDeleteReality checks are good.
I want one, too! But, yeah, so frivilous!