Remember that big finger of conviction that I've mentioned before that shows up jabbing at my chest? Well, it poked me good this morning. I was reading the latest post from Penniless Parenting and saw my bad self reflected there in her plain and honest confession of being on the computer too much. My husband was teasing me about it recently, and boy did I have an overreaction to it. I read "Penny's" words and while I know I have to use my computer for various things, I recognized enough of myself in what she was talking about to be brought up short.
So, I got off the computer (right after I posted a response >grin<), and in the last two hours I have been busy getting things done that need to get done. I have gotten showered and dressed, given the girls a devotional to work on and instructed them in it, taken the sheets off my bed, gotten laundry moving along, halfway cleaned my bathroom, went over scheduling with the girls, and corrected 4 lessons of math (forever behind in correcting it seems). As I cleaned my mirror I chided my reflection, "Seriously? You can't do a better job of managing your time to get more done in a day?" Yes, I am a busy woman, but I know I can do a better job with the stewardship of my time.
So, what's the plan? Well, my kids have daily assigned chores, but there are still plenty of things that I know need to get done around here that are not big projects but would be good for me to fit into my day in 10-30 minute increments. So here's my -
"Seriously? You mean you have to get on the computer now? You don't have time to do this?" list:
Some laundry
Some dusting
Wash down some dirty walls
Sweep the deck
Some bathroom cleaning
Clean the sliding door in the kitchen
Organize a shelf somewhere in the house
Clean out a bin or shelf in the fridge
Sweep the kitchen floor
After 20+ years of marriage you'd think I'd have this down, wouldn't you? But I don't know if I'll ever have arrived. I realize that my list consists of artless housework, but as I once reflected when my children were young, 'what I do is like knitting a sweater at one end, and life keeps unraveling it at the other.' The Chatelaine's Key has a beautifully written piece on the virtue of rhythmically repetitive labor. Here's a small excerpt:
"My grandmother told me that when I was a grown woman, I would live my life in a sea of labor that was done each morning, and undone before I went to bed. I would wash the dishes and cook meals, only to see them eaten and the dishes dirtied again. I would wash clothes, dry them, and see them back in the hamper. She observed to me that it was necessary that I learn to do something that “stayed done at the end of the day.” She was telling me how important this was to her, and she wanted very much to pass on the knowledge."
Funny how with many things, if you describe them well or tweak your view of them, often rise in esteem and value. And upon further reflection, if I leave my blogging (the thing that stays done) and my penchant for browsing to a more appropriate time, my days' work will settle more easily into their rightful places, as will all else.
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Ephesians 5: 15-17
This post could be written by most people these days. Time to just visit is lost and not recovered. Wish this could go out to everybody, what you wrote. Some of the best time I spent lately has been with family. I love each and every one.
ReplyDeletesome of my best times are when my computer is not available and i am forced to find something else to do. reminds me of the time you banned us boys from watching tv. again, some of my best times ever.
ReplyDeletegreat verse.
"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should."
ReplyDeletePsalm 90:12
This is my new favorite scripture (it's on my profile on Facebook) so it was funny that I would pick this older post from your blog to read. AHEM, Yes, I am listening God. I am guilty everyday of this, so thanks for the reminder.